Civil Society Coalition (CSC)

The Civil Society Coalition (CSC), created in July 2001, is a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to facilitating greater citizen and civil society participation in global trade and standard setting bodies and in particular, to facilitate greater participation from stakeholders representing consumer interests (including those that are concerned with public health or the protection of personal liberties).

The CSC is a federation of several NGOs of varying sizes and interests. The members of CSC are headquartered in more than twelve developed and developing countries, and include groups that are working in areas such as public health, agriculture, the development of free software, trademarks and domain names, copyright policy, the protection of non-copyrighted elements of databases, and the policies related to use of traditional knowledge, folklore and access to genetic resources.

Contact information:
Civil Society Coalition
c/o Knowledge Ecology International
1621 Connecticut Ave., NW, #500 Washington, DC 20009
Tel: +1.202.332.2670
fax +1.202.332.2673

Civil Society Coalition
c/o Knowledge Ecology International
1 Route des Morillons
CP 2100
1211 Geneva 2
Tel: 41 22 791 6727

Questions, comments and suggestions to Manon Ress: or Thiru Balasubramaniam